Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My battle..

My battle with my weight has been a lifelong situation. Recently, I've decided that without my full attention almost, it will not go anywhere. I wake up and half way do my diet. I half way do anything now a days. I'm so tired. It's almost harder for me to work out, then to just not eat. Today has been fairly good! I've also been counting calories and I'm over just a tad not a lot! Which for me is still better then being over A LOT! Tomorrow I'm doing some spring cleaning. I have to get my treadmill uncovered so I can start walking on it. I also have a gym membership I suppose I need to start using! I really want to get my son into sports soon. There is t-ball starting and I want to get him into that! Something I will look forward to taking him to local games. I think he would enjoy it as well.. He also has a desire to play soccer so.. That may come next! I would really like to get him into a school that offers tball though.. Anyways.. thank you for reading!

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