Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Very odd day..

So today was odd. I didn't sleep at all the night before last. So, I was up till about 8 pm yesterday (this being 3am the next day).. I slept for a good 6 hours, now I'm wide awake.. During the day was good.. My mother in law came by, I seen my sister and brother in law and my sweet lil niecey poo! I changed her poo diaper! She's a cutie. They grow so fast. She is almost out of newborn diapers. It reminds me of my baby being, a baby! He's still my baby but.. he is almost 40 lbs LOL. Speaking of babies. That would be a main goal for losing my weight. I was diagnosed with PCOS middle to late of last year (2011). For any of you who may not know what it is, it's Poly Cystic ovarian syndrome. It's basically polyps, in the uterus/ovaries. There is a lot more to it then that. I'll tell you what drew us to that conclusion and the testing for it.

   Early last year, I began having cramping issues. It wasn't just around my menstraul cycle. I knew when I was ovulating. I know what side was letting the egg down. I cramped, 2 weeks before, and 2 weeks after, and during all this. So I'm constantly cramping like I'm about to start my period most of the month. I can feel when a cysts explodes. Other signs and symptoms that helped my doctor decide to test.. I began to get constantly tired, I was craving sweets, I had an increase in skin tags, and it was hard for me to lose weight. Which if you do a search on PCOS. You will find most doctors actually consider it an insulin resistance. They monitor your blood sugar for it to rise or stay low. I test mine 1-5x a day to see how my body is taking all this pcos junk. I also take a supplament called Inosital. It's suppose to aid in the production of the eggs and ovulation. I feel better when I take it. I forget it though. One thing that was presses upon me, was my weight is what has brought on the PCOS. It is not always weight realated, but if it only happens while your overweight, then it's obvious it is due to the weight. So goal, lose weight, get healthy, have babies! :) Eventually that will happen. One thing PCOS does, is up your stress level 200% I swear. I stress over stuff, that before wouldn't even bother me! So, it's something I am learning about. So tomorrow is a new day, or later today. I plan on taking my son to open swim at the local YMCA,which should be fun! It will be busy in the gym itself, but not in the water! YAY! So, off I go! :)

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